Parakka Wiki

Article 1 - Purpose

Continental Alliance of Nations (CAN) seeks to preserve the safty and freedom of its members, though both political and military means.

Article 2 - Political

CAN seeks to promote diplomatic values of its members, whilst also promoting consultation and cooperation of its members, to build long lasting relationships, as well as ensure that all security issues that face the alliance is met with a united front.

Article 3 - Military

CAN is dedicated to trying to resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner but if all else fails then it has the ability to use military force where needed in guidance with this charter

Article 4 - Collective Defence

CAN is committed to the principle that if one nation is attacked then it is an attack on all.  As such in that situation all nations listed in this document are agreed, in that eventuality they will use all necessary means to protect fellow members.

Article 5 - Links

Due to CAN spanning multiple continents it enables links being formed in both defence, security and political ideals

Article 6 - Structure of CAN

Each member of CAN will be allowed to send a representative to sit on the committee.  The committee purpose is to ensure that CAN is functioning as it should but is also adapting to meet the needs of the future.  In addition one representative will be elected from the other representatives President of CAN.

President - Tommy Rakoto (Parann)

Military committee

Admiral - Lara Santos (Parakka)

General - Raiden Xu (Triwen)

General - Keith Walters (Kirin Taq)

General - Ryu Shǐ (Triwen)

General - Ali Balewa(Parann)

Article 7 - Military Committee

The Military Committee of CAN will be tasked with overseeing CAN military matters and organising any CAN operations.  Furthermore, the General of CAN will be assisted by a team of staff.  Also each nation will take it in turns every five years to place a General in charge of CAN military operations.

Article 8 - Military Spending of Members

All members agree to have a defence spending of 3% of their GDP, this will help to enable them to meet any commitments demanding of them by this charter.

Article 9 - Enlargement

CAN seeks find new nations to join the alliance that share the values of this charter.  No nation will be forced to join CAN, but will be encouraged to do so by the merits of the organisation.

Article 10 - Trade

The Continental Alliance of Nations agrees in-principle to future negotiations aimed at reducing trade barriers and expanding our economic cooperation, with a long term view towards negotiating for the creation of a single common market.

Article 11 - Membership


Kirin Taq


North Winterfell


The above is inspired and or borrowed from the NATO treaty
